What to do to migrate WorkflowMax

Explaining the migration from WorkflowMax to WorkflowMax by BlueRock

In the dynamic landscape of business software, changes and transitions are as certain as death and taxes. WorkflowMax is no different. Xero has announced the retirement of its WorkflowMax product in June 26, 2024. This came as a shock to a lot of people, myself included. Thankfully BlueRock a long-time WorkflowMax partner has stepped up and in a deal with Xero have taken over the WorkflowMax brand and product.

BlueRock have spent the last 12 months rebuilding the product from the ground up on a new platform, while at the same time maintaining almost complete compatibility with the Xero WorkflowMax product. They have just successfully completed their Beta and have announced that the product will be officially launched on February 21. All companies using WorkflowMax have until June 26 to migrate to the new platform.

What you need to know about the migration:

  • All users of WorkflowMax must migrate by June 26 if they wish to keep using the product.
  • The pricing of WorkflowMax by BlueRock will remain exactly the same.
  • While the product will have a refreshed look, everything should look familiar and there shouldn’t be a learning curve while getting up to speed with the new product.
  • There is a one-click migration tool which will move everything from the old to the new WorkflowMax platform.
  • The migration may take up to 24 hours so is best run over a weekend.
  • Migration can be performed many times, however, each migration brings over a completely fresh copy of all the data (erasing anything from a previous migration).

Best practices for migration

There are some best practices for the migration

  • Perform a trail migration early
  • Test out the new platform. Have a look around and test out some things. Add your staff and let them explore. This migration will be overwritten later so it is safe to mess around a bit.
  • Keep running your business through the Xero WorkflowMax system until you are comfortable with the new system.
  • Test out any custom integrations that you can to ensure they work with the new system
  • Perform the migration for real. This will wipe the previous migration and bring data over afresh. Start this on a Friday evening. Monitor the process and importantly don’t make changes while the data is being migrated.
  • Relink any custom integrations
  • Test, Test, and Test.

Special notes:

  • Custom templates (for example the invoice or quote templates cannot be migrated automatically. These must be exported from the old WorkflowMax and imported into WorkflowMax by BlueRock manually.
  • Integrations (for example the Xero integration) must be reauthenticated.

If you have any trouble with the migration, reach out to the support team at BlueRock or contact us here at webToLife and we will do our best to help you out.