Easy Timesheets

The easiest way to complete timesheets

No one likes doing timesheets. They are a necessary evil. But they don’t have to be painful. Using the Easy Timesheets module, adding time to timesheets is made easy.


Drag and drop

Easy Timesheets allows you to enter time in a chronological fashion. Simply drag and drop the time entry to the correct date and time. Copy and paste time entries to quickly duplicate them.


See in context

By pulling in data from external sources such as your calendar, or phone call logs, Easy Timesheets allows you to see what you were doing at the time you are entering time for.


Voice data entry

Entering description of your work can be difficult, especially if you have are entering job information on a mobile device. By using voice recognition, you can enter your time entries by speaking into your device without needing to type.

Get in touch


We are here to help you with your WorkflowMax needs. Let's talk about how you can help you best utilise WorkflowMax or BetaWorkflow in your business.